It is so important to build a connection with other adults to help offer support, encouragement, and strength when life throws curveballs.  Spending time together in fellowship, growth, and ministry offers a foundation to relationship that models the Church Christ designed.

United Women In Faith

(Formerly known as UMW)

Aley UMW is the group of women in Aley’s congregation organized for mission. Any woman who commits herself to the purpose and chooses to belong is a member of Aley UMW. We are led by an elected board, and meet as a group for general meetings. There are also organized subgroups, or circles, that meet separately. Many UMW members attend both general meetings and circle meetings, but it is not necessary to do so.  Aley UMW are involved in many mission-related service opportunities.


Although subject to change, General Meetings are held five times a year, the first Monday of February, April, August, October and December at 7 pm.  There are currently two circles, the Morning Circle meets the fourth Wednesday of the month at 9:30 am and the Evening Circle meet the fourth Monday at 7 pm.  


(United Methodist Men)

When a man chooses to follow Christ and joins the Aley Church fellowship, he vows to grow in Christ in the fellowship of the church. Aley’s United Methodist Men’s organization helps men to live out their vows of commitment through a covenant relationship with other men in the church.

One thing we know for sure is that as men we grow better in a group than alone. At our men’s meetings we receive spiritual encouragement from one another to be the men of God Christ calls us to be.

The Men’s Group meets at Aley every Third Saturday of each month at 8:30 a.m. for a hearty breakfast and fellowship.

Click here for the digital United Methodist Men Magazine


Gathering around a common table provides opportunity for community that is difficult to replicate. Jesus ate with those He travelled with and those He visited, every time we gather around a table together there is opportunity for Holy community. Aley has multiple dinner groups that get together each month to enjoy a meal together, get to know each other better, and support each other in life's journey. For more information about dinner groups, contact Gail Simpson.